Posts Tagged ‘biotechnologist’

Can a video game cure cancer?

 :: Posted by American Biotechnologist on 02-17-2012

The cure for cancer comes down to this: video games.

In a research lab at Wake Forest University, biophysicist and computer scientist Samuel Cho uses graphics processing units (GPUs), the technology that makes video game images so realistic, to simulate the inner workings of human cells.

“If it wasn’t for gamers who kept buying these GPUs, the prices wouldn’t have dropped, and we couldn’t have used them for science,” Cho says.

Now he can see exactly how the cells live, divide and die.

Read Can a Video Game Cure Cancer on the Wake Forest University website.

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Where have all the young profs gone?

 :: Posted by American Biotechnologist on 02-16-2012

In a very interesting study on Principle Investigator demographics, Dr. Sally Rockey, Director of Extramural Research at the NIH, found that over the last 32 years the average age distribution of NIH principle investigators has increased significantly. Watch the video below to see a shocking visual representation of the data. As a note to our PI population, although hearing loss is common in the elderly, your inability to hear what’s being said in this video is not a sign of aging. The video does not have any sound!

See Rock Talk for the full story.

Help show everyone what scientists really look like

 :: Posted by American Biotechnologist on 02-01-2012

I recently came across a great website that is out to “change the perception of who and what a scientist is or isn’t.” This is What a Scientist Looks Like is collecting pictures of scientists in action and what they have posted will be sure to delight you. Many in the general public tend to think of scientists as labcoat wearing nerds who work in a stuff lab messing around with test-tubes and funny colored liquids. On the contrary, “this is what a scientist looks like” has posted pictures of scuba divers, scientists hanging out in nature, scientists with their kids and even a few “normal” looking scientists. I believe that this is a great endevour and I encourage all of you to visit the website and submit a picture that will help improve our collective image!

After all, we can’t just leave it to the Muppets to show the public who we really are!

Spreading the wealth the scientific way

 :: Posted by American Biotechnologist on 09-13-2011

In the video below, Mendelspod interviews Jonathan Eisen, winner of the 2011 Benjamin Franklin Award and Academic editor in chief of PLOS biology. Dr. Eisen talks about the open science movement which is all about sharing and spreading knowledge. (It’s a long interview, but if you stick around to the end you’ll get a nice treat on the “brain doping” april fool’s gag.)

Stalking the Fourth Domain with Jonathan Eisen, Ph D from mendelspod on Vimeo.

Sure to be BEST science film of all time!

 :: Posted by American Biotechnologist on 09-06-2011

I am very psyched for the PHD movie! Does that make me a huge nerd or nostalgic for my days as a graduate student? The trailer has definitely captured my attention. Are you attending a screening. First round of showings are next week!

Checkout for show times.

PHD Movie Trailer from PHD Comics on Vimeo.