
The American Biotechnologist 2.0 Blog is devoted to the productivity of the US biotechnology sector and the fine people who take part in this profession across the country. We invite undergraduate and post-graduate students, bench scientists, technologists and science educators to contribute content: posters, tools, research, presentations, articles, white papers, multimedia, music downloads and entertainment, conference announcements, videos, etc.

We are also interested in publicizing the work of your lab and the people that work in it. Generally, we are looking for 250-500 word articles on the topic. Participating guest bloggers will gain recognition from the broader community, exposure to job opportunities, and personal exposure from page rankings on Google and other search engines. We are working toward building a broad community across American labs.

Contact Information:
Bio-Rad Laboratories Ltd.
2000 Alfred Nobel Drive
Hercules, CA 94547
Telex: 335-358
Toll Free: 1-800-4-BIORAD

Fax: 510-741-5800
Free Fax: 1-800-879-2289

mail: [email protected]
Please mention this site when you call in.